Learn more About the Library! SJC图书馆为学生和社区成员提供各种各样的房间和学习空间

Spaces and Policies

Library Spaces

San Juan College Library offers a variety of spaces for students and community members. The Library has more than 40 computer stations for student use. Study tables are available throughout the Library. The study tables feature built-in power access for plugging in laptops and other devices. 图书馆提供了一个充电塔,上面有许多不同的充电线,可以为各种手机和其他设备充电. 图书馆设有两间自习室,供学生或团体使用,先到先得.


A map of the layout of the SJC Library

Library Policies

A San Juan College I.D. card must be presented in order to check out any library materials. Most books may be borrowed for 3 weeks. 18岁及以上非SJC学生的居民可以通过出示当前圣胡安县地址的证明获得SJC图书卡. The self-check system may be used for all regular circulating materials.

Item Return

Please return materials on or before the specified due date so others may use them. 借的书可以归还到借阅处或公共学习区外的借书处.


读者只能续借一次图书,除非该图书已被其他读者续借. Renewals may be done in person or over the phone. Overdue books are NOT renewable by phone.

Lost or Damaged Materials


Overdue Material

Fines are charged when materials are not returned by the designated due date or time. Costs are:

$.25 per day per book
$1.00 per hour for reserve materials
$1.00 per day for interlibrary loan materials
$1.00 per day for videos
$5.00 for lost or damaged materials, plus item cost

读者必须在借阅处付清所有罚款后才能借阅. San Juan College students will receive a sanction with the first overdue notice. 制裁禁止学生注册课程和获得大学成绩单. Sanctions will be cleared upon payment of fines. Fines will accrue up to $10.00 per material borrowed.

The library is intended to be a place where all of its users can study, do research, browse books, use computers and generally go about their business in a non-threatening environment. Patrons are expected to behave in a courteous manner, respectful of the rights of others who require a quiet environment in which to study, computer, research and write.

我们希望读者尊重其他读者为这些目的而使用图书馆,并尊重图书馆的书籍, buildings, and other property. 任何扰乱或干扰其他读者正确使用图书馆或图书馆运作的行为,均属不受欢迎.

Disruptive Behavior

Users who, by their behavior, 持续骚扰或惹恼他人,从而影响他人集中精力工作的行为,将给予一次警告. If the behavior continues, 扰乱秩序的读者将被要求离开图书馆,时间长短由图书馆部门负责人决定. 如果返回图书馆后,破坏行为继续,读者特权可能会被取消.



  • Loud or boisterous behavior including loud talking, shouting, running or fighting.
  • Children are not permitted in the library unless accompanied by an adult, and must remain together at all times.
  • Belligerent or threatening behavior towards staff or other library users
  • 使其他读者难以或无法继续使用图书馆的行为.
  • Playing of audio equipment without headphones, 包括图书馆的电脑(其他用户不能听到这些设备)
  • Being under the influence of alcohol/illegal drugs, or selling, using, or possessing alcohol/illegal drugs

Food & Beverages

Food & beverages are permitted in the library – on a limited and tidy basis.

Library Computers

Library computers are in high demand and limited in availability. Patrons are discouraged from using these limited resources for large blocks of time. Library computers are primarily intended for research and study purposes. 学生如欲玩电脑游戏或使用其他数码媒体,可使用校园电脑室.

本政策声明中提到的材料可以定义为那些用于支持和丰富课程的项目,并为学生选择, faculty and staff of the college and residents of the county.

Selection of materials, because of enlarging curriculum and the publishing of new materials, is a continuous process; therefore, materials are selected by qualified personnel consisting of instructors, librarians, and administrators through individual or committee study and recommendations.  The authority for the final selection resides with the Director of Library Services.  主任将鼓励教师参与材料选择和废弃材料的回收.

Materials will be selected according to the following principles:

  1. To provide materials that will enrich and support the curriculum, taking into consideration the varied interests, abilities, and maturity levels of the students served.
  2. To provide materials that will encourage personal and intellectual growth in knowledge, literary appreciation, diverse views and other intellectual stimulation.
  3. 提供背景资料,使学生能更好地作出明智的决定.
  4. 对有争议的问题提出不同的观点,培养学生批判性阅读和思考的能力.
  5. To provide materials representative of many religious, ethnic, and cultural groups and their contributions to our American heritage.
  6. 以知识自由的原则为指导,以确保全面的收藏适合用户和图书馆的使命宣言.

The following evaluative criteria will be used:

  1. 适合教育的材料,以及对学科发展至关重要的材料.
  2. Materials that have been well researched and thoughtful in presentation.
  3. Materials which are considered to have literary aesthetic value.
  4. Materials whose value is enduring and/or timely.
  5. Authors should be considered competent and qualified in the field.
  6. 涉及争议性问题的材料由问题的双方以深思熟虑的方式表现出来.
  7. Materials should be well-constructed and durable enough for library use.


捐赠或者遗赠给图书馆的材料,按照与购买材料相同的标准进行评估和验收. 所有接受的材料将成为学院的财产,并遵守图书馆的分发规则, housing, and disposal. If gifts or bequests prove to be duplicates or materials already owned, the Director shall make arrangements to dispose of them in accordance with this policy.

Withdrawal of Materials

In consultation with appropriate personnel, the following materials may be withdrawn from the collection and discarded or exchanged:

  1. Obsolete materials:  subjects that become dated quickly and outdated;
    Information that can be misleading; e.g., encyclopedias, directories, travel, geography, science, careers, medicine.
  2. Superfluous duplicates.
  3. Badly worn or defaced volumes for which there are suitable replacements;
    e.g., dirty, brittle or yellowed pages, books with missing pages or broken spines.
  4. Materials not pertinent to the collection and that are not standard titles.
  5. Materials no longer considered accurate or factual, and which have no historical value.
  6. 2年内未追回的报失物料,在库存记录中注明“收回”.


图书馆资料的选择是基于使用者的阅读权和不受他人审查的自由.  Many books are controversial, and any given item may offend some persons.  Selections for this library will not, however, be made on the basis of anticipated approval or disapproval, 而仅仅是根据材料的优点,与馆藏建设和服务读者的利益有关.  图书馆认为审查纯属个人事务,并宣称虽然任何人都可以自由选择自己的阅读材料, one does not have the right to restrict the freedom of others.

质疑大学图书馆某些材料是否合适的个人应该提出他们的批评, in writing, to the Director of Library Services.  The criticism should identify objectionable items in books, periodicals, or publications, 并解释为什么你觉得这个项目不符合图书馆的选材标准.


借阅台负责安排图书馆自习室的使用(A室:6212) & Room B: 6214) on a first-come, first-served basis.

  1. A valid SJC student ID is required 借阅自习室,并借阅在自习室使用的物品/设备(记号笔、键盘) & mouse, etc.).
  2. The checkout period is three (3) hours (*no renewals*). 然而,一个学习小组(3人或3人以上)最多可允许连续退房2次. of 6 hours per day.
  3. Each room is equipped for a maximum of six (6) people. Do not take additional chairs from nearby tables or computer stations into the study room.
  4. Please keep a low volume in conversation and while playing any audio. The rooms are not soundproof and are best-used quietly. Be considerate of other library users in the adjacent study room and surrounding areas.
  5. User(s) must be present in the room throughout the checkout period, except for brief breaks. If users are absent from the room (and the library) for an extended period of time, library staff may make the room available to other users.
  6. Light snacks and drinks are allowed but no food trays or meals are permitted. User(s) should be careful not to spill food or drink and must clean up after themselves.
  7. The person who checks out the study room is responsible for the condition of the room, and should return any moved furniture to the original arrangement (e.g. chairs returned to the table). Costs for cleaning or to repair any damage to the room will be charged to their account.
  8. When leaving, be sure that the room is clean, all trash is put in the wastebasket, the door is locked and closed, and any borrowed items/equipment are returned to the Circulation Desk. Please notify staff that you are vacating the room.


Phone: (505) 566-3249

Learning Commons

Hours: Mon-Tues 9 a.m. – 7 p.m.